Prayer For A Season of Planting
“I may not get there with you, but we as a people will get to the Promised Land.”
--Martin Luther King
Precious Creator, teach us to be farmers, to know this as a season of planting in our own time.
Teach us to plant seeds of compassion and peace,
to plant seeds of hope and kindness.
Help us to long for connection and wisdom,
to know that in our longing for these things You are calling us to You;
to know that with our longing will come belief and fulfillment.
Help us to look to the harvest of our faith,
expecting the nourishment of rain,
but accepting the truth of drought when it appears.
Grant us confidence in Your time and our unique place in it, believing that the idea of Love is evermore in Your mind, and always grows toward fruition.
Hold us in Your loving arms that we may cultivate the discipline of trust, and know, that though we may not always see the warmth of the sun, it is always with us;
and though we may not reap the harvest of our work today, we rely on the perpetual now of Your promise.
Give strength to our faith that the future is already with us in the eternal present, and even as we must sow the seeds, the crop has its own time to flower.
As the farmers go to the fields each season trusting in the cycle of life, may we awaken to the certainty that if no one is planting, starvation is certain to follow;
and help us to remember that one simple act of seeding promises boundless and abundant life.
© Linda Beatrice Brown