May You Be Graced
In disquiet may you be graced with confidence.
In loneliness may you lay claim to the memory of joy.
In weakness may you gather up the strength of Spirit.
In confusion may you find solid ground to stand upon.
In darkness may you discover a lantern to share.
In uncertainty may you consider the lilies.
In fear may you find the courage to move within the shadows.
In doubt may you treasure a belief in the Mystery.
In despair may you affirm the hope of the ancients.
In cynicism may you experience the innocence of youth.
In betrayal may you seek the wisdom of forgiveness.
In unknowing may you cherish the richness of questions.
In loss may you create the space to grieve.
In danger may you cultivate a focused heart.
In anger may you cherish peace.
In weariness may you rest within angelic Presence.
And in all things may you be Graced with faith.
© Linda Beatrice Brown