--Marc Nepo
To the fellow travelers,
The unlooked for blessings,
The gifts on the side of the road,
The angels in the shadows,
The unexpected saviors, The protectors from the storm,
The hidden treasures in the wilderness,
You who have been the company of pilgrims, who have journeyed toward the Great Mystery with me...

Welcome to my Web Site
Anjali is a Sanskrit word that means Offering to the Divine. I choose this word to describe this period of my life. Welcome to my web site. If you are here, you may know me simply as an author. Or you may know me as a teacher. In any case I’m
glad you are here and I hope there will be something here of interest and use to you.
I started a new chapter in my writing and teaching life with the poems in A Mother Knows Her Child. Though I have always been a spiritual seeker, after the life changing experience of being gifted with these poems, I have responded to an impulse to teach classes focused on the Divine as Feminine, as my form of Anjali. The result has been a series of classes called “Spirit in my Life,” a public offering which includes worship and sharing (the Anjali gatherings), several workshops, and of course, more poetry.
I have been fortunate to collaborate with my friend Marilyn Wolf at her venue, Space for Conscious Living, and to serve as a faculty member with her brain child THE SCHOOL, which offers a number of learning experiences that explore the process of conscious living. (see www.spaceforconsciousliving.com).
My spiritual emphasis has always included helping to facilitate social justice and this has not changed. At the SCHOOl we are offering book studies on the role of patriarchy in our spiritual lives, as well as exploring the Divine Mystery as Mother. I believe we are responsible for creating changes that will right the many social wrongs that plague us. As a writer and teacher I believe we must be involved in a way that will help save the planet and ourselves.
So whether I am writing about the Mystery of Divinity as Mother, or social justice, or climate change, and our planet, or the nature of patriarchy, it is always with the consciousness of Anjali. I am committed to the spiritual work I feel I must do. Please take a look at the rest of the web site, and know that I am available for poetry and fiction readings, lecturing, and workshops.

News and Announcements!

Announcements & Upcoming Events
Saturday, September 17, 2022
A Zoom workshop featuring Catherine Wilson and hosted by Linda Brown
A Trail of Breadcrumbs: A Poetic Memoir of Survival, Healing and Spiritual Growth
Catherine Wilson, friend and colleague of author and School faculty member Linda Brown, will share excerpts from her upcoming book, A Trail of Breadcrumbs – A Poetic Memoir of Survival, Healing and Spiritual Growth. Click here to visit our events page to learn more!
Registration Details:
DATE: Saturday, Sept. 17
TIME: 10:00 am – 1:00 pm, Eastern Time
COST: $60 – $100 / Pay what you can in this range. Financial assistance is always available. To inquire, email us at TheSchool.SCL@gmail.com

Now Available for Purchase:
The House of Gratitude: Poems Offered During Covid Times
A new collection of poems by Linda Beatrice Brown
"Brown blesses us once again with her insight, song and mystical wisdom." -- Jeffery Beam

A Note from Linda:
I am excited to share this news with you! I just published a new book, a collection of
poems written during 2020, the year of the pandemic. The House of Gratitude: Poems Offered During Covid Times, consists of all the poems I posted on line last year, one for each week. It has been a joy to create and a joy to bring into print.
Our lives were so disrupted and affected last year, I thought perhaps the poetry
could provide a small way to cope and would offer some solace. Writing these
poems every week turned into an important ritual for me as well, as I dealt with my
own reaction to the difficulties of the year. My hope is that they might provide some
comfort and inspiration to you.
As we process, what for so many of us has been a year of loss, may The House of
Gratitude also provide a window into the future. I do hope you will consider adding
it to your library.
Many blessings, Linda
You can order The House of Gratitude from Linda’s publisher, Blurb.com, at this link:
The House of Gratitude: Poems Offered During Covid Times
If you prefer you can order the book directly from Linda at her email: lbrown52@triad.rr.com